PRAM Battery: 3.6V lithium (Maxell ER3S, Radio Shack 23-026)
A price advantage may be available by using 5 volt (not 3.3 volt) EDO (extended data out) instead of FPM (fast paged mode) memory. However, you will not derive any performance benefits by using EDO DIMMs. Call your NewerRAM rep for details.
Upgraded with one DIMM at a time.
Can interleave memory for approximately 10-30% faster RAM access.
Apple Service sometimes replaces 8500 logic boards with Apple part # 661-1754 - a remanufactured 7500 board. Part # 661-1153 is the real 8500 replacement.
Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous modems, with handshaking on both output and input supported.